Sixth grade students are campaigning for class officers. The sixth-grade elections are Thursday, November 17. Gabriele is running for sixth grade treasurer. Good luck to all of the candidates!
about 2 years ago, BASD
Sixth grade students are campaigning for class officers. The sixth grade elections are Thursday, November 17. Harper is running for sixth grade historian. Good luck to all of the candidates!
about 2 years ago, BASD
Mrs. Child's Science Dino Week
about 2 years ago, BASD
science lab
Mrs. Child's Grade 7 Lab Volume Experiments
about 2 years ago, BASD
science lab
Attention students: Would you like to have your voice heard in the middle school? Class officers will be elected this month to be a part of planning events and activities in our school. If you are interested in running for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, or Historian, please fill out the application that will be passed out in homerooms tomorrow. You must also get 10 student signatures, a teacher signature, and an administrator signature on your petition sheet. Turn in your application and petition sheet to Ms. Jackson if you're in 6th grade, Mrs. Saghy for 7th, and Mrs. Furlong for 8th. Once we look over the applications and see if you are eligible to run for office, ( due to stipulations stated in the letter you receive in homeroom), those candidates running will be posted in the cafeteria on November 9th. You will have until Nov. 17th to campaign for your office position! Elections will be held on Friday, November 18th in homerooms. YOU CANNOT START CAMPAIGINING UNTIL PETITIONS AND APPLICATIONS ARE TURNED IN AND YOUR NAME IS POSTED IN THE CAFETERIA TO RUN!
about 2 years ago, BASD
Brownsville Free Public Library Horror at the Library’s 2nd Annual Teen Horror Short Story Contest Best Story The Night the House Screamed Chloe Tressa Most Original Ashes Amizhe Moore Not pictured Most Horrorific The Night Kylie Kolek Congratulations to these amazingly talented contest winners.
about 2 years ago, Joni Jackson
BAMS is choosing to Celebrate Life! Live Drug Free!
about 2 years ago, Joni Jackson
7th Grade Music in Technology Class is busy Coding Dancing Robots and Making Music Videos!
about 2 years ago, Mrs. Hughes's Classroom
Using CSFirst to create Music Videos
Using CSFirst to create Music Videos
Students are coding Sphero Robots that dance
Red Ribbon Week is October 24-31. Everyone is invited to participate!
over 2 years ago, Joni Jackson
Red Ribbon
VEX robot fun in STEAM!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Swartz's STEAM Classroom
Grade 6 is planning a Halloween Field Trip. Please contact for more information.
over 2 years ago, Joni Jackson
Grade 6 Halloween
Mrs. Walker is hosting an ART CLUB! Sign up here:
over 2 years ago, BASD
art club
BAMS VARSITY ACADEMIC LEAGUE TEAM WON 2/3 Matches today at Penn State Fayette Campus.
over 2 years ago, BASD
❤️ the smiles for our Volcanoes!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Swartz's STEAM Classroom
ma students
ms students
All about that base! STEAM students are building their base for their volcanoes…
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Swartz's STEAM Classroom
ms students
ms students
ms students
STEAM students are prepping their creations!
over 2 years ago, BASD
ms students
ms students
ms students
Middle School students will soon be erupting in STEAM!
over 2 years ago, BASD
ms students
ms students
ms students
ms students
Parent Letter from the Superintendent
over 2 years ago, BASD
parent letter
School portrait proofs were given to the students today. Order instructions are on the proofs. Makeup portraits and portraits for online students will be Wednesday, October 12.
over 2 years ago, Joni Jackson
Our marching band and concert band members got to attend the WVU Wind Symphony Concert and meet some members of the ensemble- including the guest artist Peter Wilson, who spent 30 years playing for the Presidents Own Marine Band- as well as performing for Pope John Paul II, 5 separate presidents, Bernadette Peters, and more. His bio is in with the pictures below.
over 2 years ago, BASD
marching band
marching band
marching band
peter wilson bio